"Carpe Diem" and other quotes (mis-quotes)
"Happiness, not in another place but this place ... not for another hour, but this hour" Walt Whitman After the recent testing and crazy...
Soooo Many Choices ...
For those of us lucky enough to be in a position to be building or renovating their own home, there are a LOT of choices to be made....
Good Money after BAD!
During 2013 at a very LARGE garden expo I started chatting with the owner of one of the displays about our Western Red Cedar Shakes. The...
Wood for the Trees
With everyone now "connected" via various forms of technology it's very hard to find somewhere to "disconnect". So just because of that...
Art Takes Many Forms
Roofing for many of us = B.O.R.I.N.G right? Well take a look at this roof. Not the usual is it? The conical roof shape, the swirling...